25 February 2011

How to Talk to Me About Movies

So New Yorkers have failed me yet again (not trying to start shit, just keepin it real). Today, while on the Oscar's website reminding myself what a bunch of nincompoops were nominated, I realized that The Fighter was directed by David O Russel, who I have loved since Three Kings. Haven't seen that one yet? Don't let Ice Cube fool you - its a good movie. People kept saying, "Oh Crystal, you have to see The Fighter. Oh Crystal, Christian Bale is amazing in it. Oh Crystal, they did so much research to keep the movie true to real life." Guess what y'all? I don't care about actors. (Well maybe a few, but Christian isn't one of them.) If you want me to see a movie, tell me who the goddamn director is.


Ben said...

Agreed. I sure didn't see Paul Blart for Kevin James.

Crystal Fawn Williams said...

Of course not. I made you watch it for the Segway montage.